Monday, December 8, 2008

How to stop terrorism


Stopping terrorism isn’t that easy because terrorist are humans with deep scars caused by the society. If you could view the problem in the angle of terrorist, you will very well know the anguish that has made them retaliate. One other reason is that terrorist leaders unlike the governments can only start it and cannot stop the war as it goes beyond their control. Only governments can put an end to this. Below are given a few suggestions in stopping terrorism.



How to stop terrorism?


Moses of the Old Testament stated the law of eye for an eye, whereas the son of God in the New Testament revealed that it was not the solution for the injustice caused. He also stated that “Those who live by the sword will die by the sword.” This is the golden rule which Gandhi too followed to gain independence for his country. While terrorism can cause distress to the society, it also will destroy the terrorists themselves.


Stopping terrorism isn’t that easy because terrorist are humans with deep scars caused by the society. If you could view the problem in the angle of terrorist, you will very well know the anguish that has made them retaliate. One other reason is that terrorist leaders unlike the governments can only start it and cannot stop the war as it goes beyond their control. Only governments can put an end to this. Below are given a few suggestions in stopping terrorism.


Diplomatic solutions


The governments can negotiate with the extremists’ organizations to solve their problems in a legal manner. As most of the terrorist groups are victims of the society or the government, a general amnesty can help them get back to their normal lives. Finding the root cause of terrorism in particular region and eliminating the sorrows of the community will help in fighting terrorism with out force. A guarantee for the lives of terrorists and their livelihood will encourage them to lay down arms.


Correcting flaws and amending laws


While the world has been changing in every aspect, most of the governments still follow the outdated laws, inconsistent policies, inefficient methods of delivering justice to the oppressed, and so on. This is what angers the depressed souls and encourages them to find their own way of obtaining justice through violence. All the flaws in the system should be given due attention and corrected immediately and the law should be amended to suit the current trends of the society.




Educating people that terrorism is the worst means of getting the public attention toward issues. Teaching patriotic and peaceful co-existence right at the school level will pattern the mindsets of young ones from averting terrorism in the latter years. Educating people of their rights in society and the means of obtaining them through legal means in the even of deprivation will help in eliminating terrorism. As all religions preach peaceful co-existence of human beings, encouraging religious leaders to educate the true principles of religion would also help in eliminating terrorism.


Use of force


However, there are other terrorist groups that do not have a true relevant purpose or a goal. They use the name of Islam to spread terror across the world. Their aim is simply to instill fear among the people and topple governments. These are the ones that brainwash innocent souls and encourage them to join their suicide squads. These organizations should be dealt with iron fist and should be destroyed and the only means to eliminate them is by using excessive force to completely annihilate them. While the use of diplomatic means and force can eliminate terrorism, only education and honesty can prevent sprouting of new terrorist groups.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Unlock password protected MMC cards

MMC cards are the storage elements in a mobile phone.We can also protect our memory card from others by locking it with a password.But now its possible to unlock a MMC card  and we can unlock it and view the different files also.

Well its quite simple but many of us don't even know about it.This trick works simply on nokia symbian mobile phones.

1.Open FExplorer software in your mobile phone.(If you don't have,then install it from internet)

2.Now open FExplorer and open c:/system

3.Now rename the file mmcstore to mmcstore.txt

4.Now open that file and that file will open in notes.

5.Now in that notes you will see the password.

So enjoy and keep commenting so that i will post another quality posts.

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